Axial fans

Axico Anti-Stall Vaneaxial Fan Pneumatically Controllable
The FPAC Axico Anti-Stall Fan is a vaneaxial fan with 100% stable operation. It has no stall area and no stall limit. The pneumatically controllable fan can easily deliver the required flow or pressure in most situations by properly sizing the fan and then adjusting the blade angle of attack while the fan is energized. Model FPAC variable air volume fan impellers are equipped with an internal pneumatic diaphragm and external industrial-grade pilot positioner assembly to simultaneously vary the pitch angle of all blades identically while the fan impeller is rotating at motor speed.
Sizes (impeller diameters)
- 32 to 79 inches (815 mm to 2,010 mm)
- Airflow to 250,000 CFM (424,800 m3/hour)
- Static pressure to 12 inches w.g. (2,980 Pa)