Axial fans


Tubeaxial Fan, Direct Drive


The TA tubeaxial fan is designed for relatively clean air applications that permit the location of motor to be in the airstream. The TA features the Macheta® tipped cast aluminum airfoil blade for increased performance, and a continuously-welded, heavy-gauge flanged casing with bolt holes for mounting to fan accessories or ductwork.

All impellers and hubs are cast from 319 aluminum as standard. Impeller sizes 14 through 72 inches are cast solid. Sizes 84 inches and larger are adjustable pitch with individual blades and hub. 

Sizes (impeller diameters)

  • 14 to 96 inches (355 mm to 2,440 mm)


  • Airflow to 132,500 CFM (225,100 m3/hour)
  • Static pressure to 1.5 inches w.g. (370 Pa)

Product Catalog

Brochures & Flyers

Installation Manual